Ronik Ronik

About me

My name is Marko.
I am a computer professional specializing in all things frontend.

Work experience


From 2016 onwards I've worked as a web/frontend developer/programmer for five organisations in three cities.


During this time we built all kinds of software and most of the work was done by a few designers and developers that stood out.

Small teams


While employed, I witnessed how a larger agency is in no way a guarantee of better results.


The best work is done in small teams, numbering from two to four people. So why not focus on building teams that are efficient?

Agencies have to compromise


Compromising is not always bad. It's just how things are. But in general, the end result is a lower quality of work that goes out, lower client satisfaction and lower employee motivation.


Why not look for ways to achieve higher client satisfaction without the large overhead, inefficiencies and compromises clients end up tied with when working with an agency?

What sets me apart


The team I am a part of right now can offer all the flexibility of an exceptional solo developer or a freelancer with the bandwidth and firepower of an agency.


We want to cluster more exceptional professionals from other disciplines together. This way we can broaden our services by adding new members, not stretching existing members thin.

How to reach us

As new professionals join, the list of services our collective has on offer is growing.

It's best for to contact me and ask about availability.


Send your inquiry straight into my inbox.


Tell me about your project over the phone. The name is Marko.


If you use Whatsapp and you prefer to type.